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Q: What was the name of Christopher Gadsden's group of rebels in Charleston who protested taxes?
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they protested being ruled by Britain and when called treasonous they said make the most of it

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What is a sentence for rebels?

My younger brother often rebels in class. The rebels must be stopped!

When was Rebels Are We created?

Rebels Are We was created in 1980.

What is the translation for rebels in Gaelic?

Irish: ceannaircigh (mutineers, rebels); possibly reibiliúnaigh (rebels). Scottish:

Why were the north called the Yankees and the south called the rebels?

To most people living in the US at the time, the Civil War as we know it today, was called the "war of rebellion." The US Civil War was actually an UNDECLARED WAR in which the south was rebelling against it's own government. Hence the word "Rebel", short for rebellion.

How did the rebels get defeated?

That would depend on which rebels you are referring to.

Where was the headquarters of the rebels in 1916?

the headquarters of the rebels was in Ireland

What is rebels in Greek?

The Greek word for "Rebels" is "αντάρτες".

What did the rebels do?

they were not rebels they were musketeers and they raped little dogs

How did the colonist protest against the stamp act?

they protested against the stamp act by hanging up dolls the dolls represent the people who put taxes on stamps paper and things like that they hung up a sign saying the holly of England and the ruin of America

Why were the Rebels called Rebels?

They were called "Rebels" because the Confederacy chose to rebel against the Union, and broke away from it.