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The difference between public and private enslavement is the following:

-Public enslavement means that someone/something/some idea is constrained by the rules and ideals of the societal environment they/it are in

-Private enslavement means that someone/something/some idea is constrained by the rules and ideals of a particular individual or group of individuals which may or may not be under public enslavement

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Public Sector Vs Private Sector?

Over 22 million public sector union workers are not paying for obamacare. (paid by taxes). The public sector unions' retirement and healthcare is paid for by taxpayers. ANOTHER THING: Although public sector wages are, on average, 44% more in wages and benefits, THEY will bargain to maintain that disparity at 44%. Guess who will cover THAT?

How is public relations in government different from private corporate sector?

It is important to understand the difference between the private sector and public sector because your privacy rights will differ depending on the legislation that an organization is governed under.The Private SectorThe private sector is usually composed of organizations that are privately owned and not part of the government. These usually includes corporations (both profit and non-profit), partnerships, and charities.An easier way to think of the private sector is by thinking of organizations that are not owned or operated by the government. For example, retail stores, credit unions, and local businesses will operate in the private sector.The Public SectorThe public sector is usually composed of organizations that are owned and operated by the government. This includes federal, provincial, state, or municipal governments, depending on where you live. Privacy legislation usually calls organizations in the public sector a public body or a public authority.Some examples of public bodies in Canada and the United Kingdom are educational bodies, health care bodies, police and prison services, and local and central government bodies and their departments.

Origin of public and private law?

All law is public because it deals with the behavior of people. There is not a set of laws that is private. Now, there are law firms that are public like a public defenders office and there are private law firms where you pay for their services to do legal work for you.

Is Coca Cola a public sector or a private sector company?

Is a private sector

What is one difference between government agencies and government contractors?

There agendas are set by Congress

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What is the important difference between public and private administration?

Public is the opposite of private.

The difference between private and public administration?

Public is open, private is closed.

What is the difference between public and private sectors aims and objectives?

private anf public

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Well ask yourself what the difference between "public" and "private" is. This isn't rocket science!

What is a difference between public private partnership and private public partnership?

No, both refer to joint efforts by private companies and governmental bodies.

What is the difference between the private and public sectors of your economy?

Public sectors are funded by the government

What is difference between public and private bank?

public bank is state owned banks whereas private banks are owned by private individuals or entities.

What is the difference of public finance from private finance?

the different between public and private wants is on the financial means availlable and on the budgeting procedure

Difference between public and private estate?

Public is open to all for information but can be delt with the government.Private estate is more local to the area you live in.

What is the difference between public and private real estate?

The difference between public and private real estate is that there are more perceived risks with public real estate versus private real estate. There are a few factors that fall into how one is perceived as more of a risk than the other.

Differences between public sector accounting and private sector accounting?

The difference between public sector and private sector is that when you're in the public sector you work for the government whereas private sector is not. Same applies to accounting.

What is a difference between public high school and private high school?

private high schools are for pansies.