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Well, the immediate cause of secession deals with slaves and the rights of the civil war. Figure the rest out, because I can't

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Q: What was the immediate cause of the secession?
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What was the immediate cause of the secession of southern states before the civil war?

Well slavery was a big part of the southern secession.

Which event was the immediate cause of secession of several southern states from the Union in 1860?

election of president Lincoln

What was the cause of civil war to start?

The Immediate Cause was Beauregard firing on Fort Sumter. The Intermediate Cause was the secession of the Confederate States. The Ultimate Cause was Slavery.

Who believed in an immediate end to war and peaceful secession of the South?

Patrick Henry was the governor of Virginia, and one of the founding fathers of the colonies. Patrick Henry believed an immediate end to the war and the secession of the south was necessary.

Moved South carolina to declare immediate secession from the Union?

Lincoln's election as president

What is the South Carolina declaration of causes and secession?

Ansewer to CHEIKH CODé GUEYE Declaration of the immediate causes which induce and justify the secession of South Carolina from the federal union.

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secession was a part of the civil war. the south had succeededfrom the north.

What helped to contribute to the start of the civil war how it help contribute to start of the civil war?

Several things contributed to the start of the War Between the States. The most immediate cause was the South firing on Fort Sumter. The next direct cause was the secession of the southern states from the Union.

Which event was the immediate cause of the secession of several sourtern states from the union on 1860?

Many events contributed to several Southern states seceding from the Union in 1860. One important event was the election of Lincoln.

What are immediate causes?

you stupid they already answered that boiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

What are immediate causes of a disease?

Immediate cause is the first cause identified when a person is suffering from a disease. For example, if a baby is suffering from loose motions,we can say that the cause of the loose motions is an infection with a virus. So, the immediate cause of the disease is virus.

What is a sentence for the word immediate?

The situation was dangerous and required immediate action. The explosion was the immediate cause of most of the injuries.