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For a useful answer, choices are necessary here. However, some documents that are completely irrelevant to the development of the US Government include: the North Korean Constitution, War and Peace by Leon Tolstoy, the Charter of the African Union, UNGA Resolution 4468, Coca-Cola's Securities Reports, and whatever nonsense just came out of my printer.

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Q: What was not a fundamental document that influenced the development of U.S. government?
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What is the of the document that forms the fundamental law of a state government?

The state constitution

What document requires the government leaders to act according to set laws?

A constitution is a document that sets down the fundamental political principles of a government.

What is the name of the document that forms the fundamental laws of a state government?

The state constitution

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What is a fundamental plan of operation for a government?

It's a document that is including articles and he is constitued Of rights and responsibility for peoples and the government also

Is hud a legal document?

No. HUD (The Department of Housing and Urban Development) is a government agency.

What is a Constitutional democracy with a bicameral parliament headed by a state president?

a government by or operating under an authoritative document (constitution) that sets forth the system of fundamental laws and principles that determines the nature, functions, and limits of that government.

What is a government document?

A document officially published by the government of a country, or internal communications of a government.

Which document or institution do you think had the greatest influence on the development of the United states?

Many Americans were also influenced by the Enlightenment,a philosophical movement that emphasized the use of reason to examine old ideas and traditions.

How do you alternate a government document?

You don’t, it is illegal to alter a government document and is considered fraud.

Why is the magna carta is important?

This document was revolutionary and sparked new ideas promoting democracy. It guaranteed certain basic political rights such as no taxation without representation. It also limited the King's power to ensure a stable government. If you wish to go more in depth in this document you will find many ideas that influenced modern day society. The Bill of Rights can be compared to the Magna Carta because they share some of the same ideas and stabilize our government.