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Maintains tradition, which in turn maintains discipline.

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Larry Ritchie

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2y ago
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Q: What the purpose of customs is?
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The main purpose of Customs Union is to extend the trading area for business.

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What is the purpose of military customs?

Maintains tradition, which in turn maintains discipline.

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Some plays we're critical of customs,politics,and people.

Could customs be abolished?

It is unlikely that customs could be completely abolished, as they serve an important purpose in regulating the movement of goods and people across borders. However, customs procedures could be streamlined and modernized to make them more efficient and less burdensome for individuals and businesses.

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The purpose of the site Revenue IE is to look up Tax and Customs information in the country of Ireland. The site is beneficial for someone who is looking to start a business, needs tax information, needs tax relief, and more.

What did the houses of Parliament used to be?

The only parliament house that wasnt built for that purpose based on your categories of this question is Tasmania's. Tassies parliament building was initially a Customs House.

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A special customs is a customs you ware on a special day.

Are you allowed to import yak hair into new zealand?

This material would normally be a prohibited import. For a special purpose, import can probably be organized with Customs and Agriculture departments permission.