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Q: What percentage of hydro power does the US use?
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What percentage of US energy is hydro power?

approximately 7%

What is the number of people who use hydroelectric energy in the us?

One way to determine the number of people who use hydro power in the US would be to check on national archives records and identify the ratio of total gWh energy the country consumes annually, and divide it by the annual gWh of hydro generation. From there, extract the percentage of people in the US who use hydroelectric power. For the record; 1 gWh = 1000 mega watt hours.

Where in the US is hydro power currently being used?


Where in the US is hydro-power currently being used?


What do we use the Amazon rainforest for?

TO LIVE! the rainforests are a main supply of oxygen for us! We use the Amazon for logging hydro electric power cattle ranching mining.

How many hydro power plants in the US'?

3 1/2

What region of the US relies on hydro-power the most?

The Pacific Northwest

Is the river friend or enemy?

I think its a friend because they help us get more water faster and can be use as a power supply, like hydro electric power it uses the river to generate power.

When was hydro electricity first industrialized?

Hydroelectric power used some distance away from a hydro power plant (Colorado, USA) has been with us since about 1886.

In the US about 8 percent of your energy is solved from?

You probably mean hydro power

How much hydro power is used in the us?

Hydroelectric power now supplies about 715,000 megawatts, or 19% of the world's electricity. (2009)

What percentage of US power production is from nuclear power?

It is 28% nuclear power.