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Political tensions that they were afraid would lead to a war, They had to try and raise more money in order to prepare for a war.

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Q: What led to an increase in the taxes levied on the colonies?
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Stamp Act of 1775?

The stamp act of 1775 was the first set of taxes the British colonies were forced to pay. The colonies governed themselves, but had no representation in England. Many thought the King was overstepping his boundaries. This eventually led to the Revolutionary war.

Why were the Colonists unhappy with England?

The taxes that England imposed on the colonies, such as tarriffs on tea and other such goods led to the Boston tea party (the dumping of tea into the Boston harbor) which indefinetly lead to the revolutionary war.

What was the effect of the Great Awakening on the colonies?

It led to new ways of thinking about religion among colonies

How did the british taxes lead to greater cooperatin among the colonies?

With the British taxes, the colonies were forced to pay, making them less able to use their extra money to employ/trade with other nations, but they definitely didn't lead to more cooperation. If anything, they led to more upset and turmoil, especially the Townsend Acts and the Quartering Act. But what the British asked wasn't really unreasonable- it just seemed so to the colonies because they had become used to a policy of salutary neglect.

Describe the conditions that led to Shays's Rebellion?

What caused the rebellion was the taxes that were levied on colonist by the states to try to pay off post war debt. The colonist felt that the taxes were unfair and wanted help like tax relief and moratorium on debt. They were not successful as a military force and was quickly disbursed by the Army in 1787, it brought attention to the need for a new constitution in America.

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The poll taxes levied during the Peasants' Revolt in 1381 were intended to fund the Hundred Years' War between England and France. These taxes were particularly burdensome on the poor peasants who were already struggling with economic hardship. The revolt was triggered by the collection of these taxes, which ultimately led to a widespread uprising of peasants across England.

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The colonists initial goal against the British was for lower taxation. Instead of lowering taxes the British increase taxes. The increased taxes led to the Revolutionary war.

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What actions led to many American colonists to support declaring independence from British empire?

Great Britain increased taxes on many items in the colonies.

What were the major events that led to the revolutionary war?

high taxes by England (tea) England not allowing the colonies any representation and ... you tell me?

Reasons for growth in the American economy from 1720-1760?

Britain had not imposed any tariffs or taxes on the Colonies. After the global war called the 7 year War (French and Indian War in North America) England imposed taxes on the Colonies to pay for the war effort. This led to the colonial rebellion.

What led to an increase in?

Crime, violence, corruption, alcohol-related deaths, taxes, disillusionment, and lack of respect for law, among other problems.