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Q: What is the verb form of president?
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What is the verb in this sentence Abraham Lincoln was the 15th president of the usa?

The verb is "was". It's a past tense form of the verb "to be".

What is a sentence with a linking verb and a predicate noun?

The predicate noun (or predicate nominative) is the noun or a pronoun following a linking verb that restates or stands for the subject.The easy way to recognize a linking verb is that a linking verb acts as an equals sign, the object is a form of the subject, or the subject becomes the object.Examples:Mary was elected class president. (Mary->president)Mary is the new class president. (Mary=president)

Example of verb form and verb tense?

what is the form of the verb answer it ..............

What is the verb form of 'nonconformity'?

The verb form of 'nonconformity' is 'non-conform'. It is an intransitive verb.

What is the verb form of commentary?

The verb form of commentary is "commentate."

What is the verb form of 'involvement'?

The verb form of "involvement" is "involve."

What is the verb for president?

A verb for president is preside.Presides, presiding and presided are other verbs, depending on the tense.

What is the verb form of intensity?

The verb form of intensity is intensify. As in "to intensify something".

What is the verb form for the word climate?

The verb form of "climate" is "to climatize" or "to acclimate."

What is the verb form of the word 'furniture'?

The verb form of 'furniture' is 'furnish'.

What is a verb form for the word dignity?

A verb form for the word "dignity" is "dignify."

What is the verb form of condemnation?

Condemn is the verb form.