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$12-15 depending on how worn it is.

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Q: What is the value of a 1950 American 10.00 bill?
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1000 Dollars

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The value of a 1847 $1000 bill can vary depending on its condition and rarity, but it can be worth thousands of dollars to collectors. It is best to consult with a currency expert or appraiser to get an accurate assessment of its value.

When was Bill Adams - American football - born?

Bill Adams - American football - was born on 1950-02-04.

What was the value of a 5 dollar bill in 1950?

5 dollars

What is the value of a series A 1950 50 bill?

Face value to $70 depending on condition

How much is a series 1950 10.00 bill and a series 1950 A 10.00 bill worth?

A Series 1950 $10 bill typically sells for around $20 in circulated condition. The Series 1950A $10 bill has a lower value, usually selling for around $15 in circulated condition. The value can vary depending on factors such as condition and rarity.

How much would a 1950 one hundred dollar bill cost today?

In 2011, the relative value of $1.00 from 1950 ranges from $7.74 to $51.40.Also here a link to give you a good idea of costs in the 1950's.

What is the worth of a one hundred dollar bill dated 1950 D?

A circulated 1950 D one-hundred dollar bill is worth about $140. If the bill was not in circulation, it can have a value of about $175.

What is the Value of 1914 replacement 20 bill?

It is worth $1000.

What is a 1840 1000 dollar bill value?

These bills are normally replicas with no collector value.

Is there 1000 pound bill?

Yes, the smallest value bank note in the Lebanon is for 1000 pounds.

What is the value of a 1950's French 1000 dollar bill?

France never used dollars, only francs and euros. Please check your bill again and post a new, separate question with its date and the correct currency unit. A bill of that age should be denominated in francs.