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Justices who meet retirement qualifications receive the full pay and benefits they were entitled to while working.

Congress began providing US Supreme Court justices retirement benefits with the passage of the Judiciary Act of 1869 (the same Act that set of the number of justices on the Court at nine). Under the Judiciary Act, a justice who retires with the required number of years on the federal bench (including lower courts) receives his or her full salary and benefits after retirement. The calculation for qualifying for full retirement has been modified several times over the years (see bullet points below).

In 2011, the annual salary of an Associate Justice is $213,900 and that of the Chief Justice is $223,500.

  • In 1869, Congress allowed judges aged 70 or older with ten or more years on the bench (including lower court service) to continue receiving their existing salary on retirement.
  • In 1954, Congress eased restrictions and granted retirement with full pension to judges and justices at age 65, if they had 15 years of service.
  • In 1984, the retirement rules were again revised to provide full pension to any judge or justice who served a minimum of 10 years, and whose age and years of service, combined, totaled 80.
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You can earn up to $5000- $6000 in a month that is why it is a benefit.

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