The Constitution of 1791 provided for a limited Monarchy; it divided government between th King and the National Assembly. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but not to Louis XVI, who soon attempted to escape from France, after which he would have tried to retake the country by force with the aid of Austria and Prussia, and re-establish the absolute monarchy. In the event, he was brought back to Paris and the result was the First Republic.
The short-lived French Constitution of 1791 was the second written constitution of France. One of the basic precepts of the revolution was adopting constitutionality and establishing popular sovereignty, following the steps of the United States of America
In the summer of 1789, the French National Assembly began the process of drafting a constitution. The Declaration of the Rights of Man, adopted on 26 August 1789 eventually became the preamble of the constitution adopted in 3 September 1791.[1]
The Constitution followed the lines preferred among reformists at that time: the creation of a French constitutional monarchy. The main controversy was the level of power to be granted to the king of France in such a system. Marquis Lafayette proposed a combination of the American and British systems, introducing a bicameral parliament, with the king having the suspensive vetopower in the legislature, modeled to the authority then recently vested in the President of the United States. This proposal, however, failed.
After very long negotiations, the constitution was reluctantly accepted by King Louis XVI in September 1791. Unicameralism was adopted as per the proposal of Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès, in order to disable the possibilities of the nobility's overpowering in the assembly. Lafayette's idea of the king's veto also passed. Sovereignty, though, was clearly defined as belonging to the people: "1. Sovereignty is one, indivisible, inalienable, and imprescriptible. It appertains to the nation; no section of the people nor any individual may assume the exercise thereof."
Redefining the organization of the French government, citizenship and the limits to the powers of government, the National Assembly set out to represent the interests of the general will. It abolished many "institutions which were injurious to liberty and equality of rights". The National Assembly asserted its legal presence in French government by establishing its permanence in the Constitution and forming a system for recurring elections. The Assembly's belief in a sovereign nation and in equal representation can be seen in the constitutional separation of powers. The National Assembly was the legislative body, the king and royal ministers made up the executive branch and the judiciary was independent of the other two branches. On a local level, the previous feudal geographic divisions were formally abolished, and the territory of the French state was divided into severaladministrative units, Departments (Départements), but with the principle of centralism.
The Assembly, as constitution-framers, were afraid that if only representatives governed France, it was likely to be ruled by the representatives' self-interest; therefore, the king was allowed a suspensive veto to balance out the interests of the people. By the same token, representative democracy weakened the king's executive authority.
The constitution was not egalitarian by today's standards. It distinguished between the propertied active citizens and the poorerpassive citizens. Women lacked rights to liberties such as education, freedom to speak, write, print and worship.
Keith M. Baker writes in his essay "Constitution" that the National Assembly threaded between two options when drafting the Constitution: they could modify the existing, unwritten constitution centered on the three estates of the Estates General or they could start over and rewrite it completely. The National Assembly wanted to reorganize social structure and legalize itself: while born of the Estates General of 1789, it had abolished the tricameral structure of that body.
With the onset of war and the threat of the revolution's collapse, radical Jacobin and ultimately republican conceptions grew enormously in popularity, increasing the influence of Robespierre, Danton, Marat and the Paris Commune. When the King used his veto powers to protect non-juring priests and refused to raise militias in defense of the revolutionary government, the constitutional monarchy proved unworkable and was effectively ended by the 10 August insurrection. A National Convention was called, electing Robespierre as its first deputy; it was the first assembly in France elected by universal male suffrage. The convention declared France a republic on 22 September 1792.[2]
william the conqueror
A system of political limits and controls is system of powers
Active political participation by all citizens is the core of which political system
what is the strength and weakness of a unitary political system?
The political risk refers to the instability of the political system in a country.
in essence it ruins it
the political and social system that existed in France before the french revolution.
Yes. He was very fond of the French culture and political system.
Paris is the capital of France.
they are polish.. they dont have a political system they have a republic political system, actually
Some political features in France include a semi-presidential system with a President as the head of state, a Prime Minister as the head of government, a bicameral legislature (National Assembly and Senate), a constitutional council to ensure laws comply with the constitution, and a multi-party system with significant influence from major parties like La République En Marche and Les Républicains.
The Ancien Régime ( Old Regime) refers primarily to the aristocratic, social and political system established in France from (roughly) the 15th century to the 18th century under the late Valois and Bourbon dynasties.
What the Economic system v. political system
No. In 1789 this political system was finished there, France becoming ever since a republic. --------------------------------------------------- Actually, what is above is not totally correct. France knew two monarchy restorations in 1830 and in 1848.
what is the physical system of france