The fault everyone makes is that they think America is a democracy, when it is in fact a republic hence the word democracy does not appear in the constitution
No, the founding fathers believed that democracy was "rule by the rabble". The word "democracy" does not appear in the Declaration of Indepedence or the United States Constitution. -Darin R., Palm Beach Gardens, FL
I think you mean democracy.The United States is a democracy.The people want a democracy instead of a dictatorship.Democracy is worth fighting for.
suffrage a+ls
fair, balanced, voting rights Explanation: In a democracy, the outcome of an election is determined by the number and division of votes case.
the origin of the word emocracy if greek. -------------------------- emocracy? Democracy is indeed greek but i don't think that's what they were asking. Democracy originated before the turn of the 5th century.
Yes it does. Demo = people, cracy = rule. Democracy, rule by the people.
Demokratos, the origin of our word democracy.
Demos means people, and Kratein means rule, it is the origin of the word democracy
Demos means people, and Kratein means rule, it is the origin of the word democracy
it comes from the greek word demos meaning "the people" and kratia meand "rule"
democracy (δημοκρατία) demo-cracy demo (δήμος) :the people -cracy (κράτος) :power
Some words of Greek origin include democracy, philosophy, marathon, and democracy.
Well, would go to the Greek root, with the word demos, which means people, and arche, which means rule. Thus, rule by the people.
the word democracy derived from an ancient greek term