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1525-35; < Middle French démocratie

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Q: What is the origin for the word democracy?
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What is the origin of democracy?

the origin of the word emocracy if greek. -------------------------- emocracy? Democracy is indeed greek but i don't think that's what they were asking. Democracy originated before the turn of the 5th century.

Does the word democracy have a greek origin?

Yes it does. Demo = people, cracy = rule. Democracy, rule by the people.

What word derived from Greek means power of the people?

Demokratos, the origin of our word democracy.

What does kratein mean?

Demos means people, and Kratein means rule, it is the origin of the word democracy

What does Demos Kratein mean?

Demos means people, and Kratein means rule, it is the origin of the word democracy

What is the origin of the term democracy?

it comes from the greek word demos meaning "the people" and kratia meand "rule"

What is the greek origin word for democracy hehe im on answers com lol?

democracy (&delta;&eta;&mu;&omicron;&kappa;&rho;&alpha;&tau;&#943;&alpha;) demo-cracy demo (&delta;&#942;&mu;&omicron;&sigmaf;) :the people -cracy (&kappa;&rho;&#940;&tau;&omicron;&sigmaf;) :power

Words of greek origin?

Some words of Greek origin include democracy, philosophy, marathon, and democracy.

Does the word democracy have a latin origin?

Well, would go to the Greek root, with the word demos, which means people, and arche, which means rule. Thus, rule by the people.

What is the Latin word for democracy?


What is syllabication for t he word democracy?


Where does the word democracy come from?

the word democracy derived from an ancient greek term