The executive agency would be in charge of running the whole program. The regulatory agency would make sure all laws and rules are followed.
This is provided by the separation of powers between the legislative and executive branches of government, as set forth by the US Constitution.
executive agreement executive agreement
executive agreement
Separation of power is the model. This is what balances power between the executive and legislative branch of government.
The main purpose of independent agencies is to regulate businesses and administer governmental programs. Additionally, they have legislative, executive and judicial powers and can influence the wishes of the president, congress and the public. Independent agencies can also have greater freedom and less presidential control than most other governmental agencies. Regulatory agencies represent a compromise between government ownership of industry and all powerful private corporations. Independent agencies are created by congress and sometimes work counter to the president's wishes.
A non-executive director sits on the board of directors however is not considered to be an executive. They are not involved with day to day operations and decisions. In contrast, an independent director is a director who holds responsibilities and was brought in as a consultant from the outside.
The correct answer is Issue Network PLATO (B)
An employer can be vicariously liable for the torts committed by an employee while they are in the scope of their employment in certain situations. An employer will not normally be held vicariously liable for the torts of an independent contractor because of a lack of supervisory control.
why is the distinction between insurable and uninsurable risks is significant for the theory of profit
This is provided by the separation of powers between the legislative and executive branches of government, as set forth by the US Constitution.
A cell wall is the primary distinction between plant and animal cells.
The major distinction in this system is between consumer and industrial products.
The distinction between the KTSs and PBXs became more blurred as technology brought more intelligence to the KTS
The word "distinction" is a noun. It refers to a difference or contrast between similar things, or a recognition of excellence or uniqueness.
There is no comparison between the two.For one thing the police are part of the EXECUTIVE BRANCH of government and the elected officials are part of the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH.For another thing: Members of the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH do not "manage" the day-to-day operation of EXECUTIVE BRANCH agencies. If they effect them at all is only by the laws that they pass.