Thomas Jefferson and James Madison
to print money to declare war sign treaties
she saved important state documents from burning in the white house.Dolley was most famous for saving the portrait of Geroge Washington. She became the hostess of parties for Thomas Jefferson, Dolley did that for 12 years.
a greater number of formal rules are needed to govern activity in the House.
- A major difference in the Constitution of the confederacy was that it allowed slavery in the new territories.
The major figures were probably George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Paul Revere. There are more that I probably have not mentioned.
The major difference is by sues
The major difference between the two relates to the emphasis on predestination.
Describe the major difference between sheep's and goats
The major difference between vertebrates and invertebrates is that vertebrates have a back bone and invertebrates don't
The major difference is that the GTP is supercharged.
Thomas Jefferson was instrumental in the decision to make Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States. Thus, he secured Virginia's permanent role as a major player in U.S. politics.
Hamilton's objection to Jefferson's strict interpretation of the Constitution
the major economical difference between the north and the south is the north was based on manufacturing while south was agriculutural
The difference in mass
That it have cell
The 'r'