

Best Answer

Of the USA, George Washington.

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Angelica Hirthe

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Q: What is the first presided?
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Who presided over the convention?

John Hancock presided over the first, and George Washington presided over the second.

Who presided over the contitutional convention?

John Hancock presided over the first, and George Washington presided over the second.

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Who presided over the first senate P.s. not G.W.?

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Is - presided by- correct?

The phrase "is presided by" is technically incorrect. The correct phrase is "is presided over by." The word "preside" is a transitive verb, and it requires the preposition "over" to indicate the person or entity in charge. Therefore, it should be written as "is presided over by" for grammatical accuracy.

Who presided over the third session of the Indian national congress at Madras?

badruddin tayabji(first muslim president of INC) presided the 1887 session in madras. And first time the word self governance was mentioned which strained the relations between moderates and britishers

What president presided over the first Iraq war?

George H. W. Bush was president during the first conflict in Iraq.