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Q: What is a congressional session in which both houses meet together?
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Which document are the proceedings of both houses of congress published in?

Congressional Record

A congressional override of a presidential veto is?

A congressional override means that a bill has become a law even if the President refuses to sign it. The Congress can override it with two-thirds vote with both houses voting separately.

Type of congressional committee in which members of both houses act as one group to discuss a bill?

A Congressional Conference Committee is formed to discuss a bill which has Congress in disagreement over. Senior members of standing committees in each house form the committee that originated the piece of legislation. These committees come into play if both houses have passed different versions of the same bill.

Members of both houses in the constitution are free from what during their attendence at the session of their respective houses?

They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.

Why do both houses have to be in session at the same time?

The article of Adjournment lays the ground rules for Congress to keep both houses within close proximity of each other. The reason for such a thing is to keep either house from passing legislation that the other would have to also pass to move it on to the president for signing, from being held up until the other could be in session. More for a means of expedience and legality that in cases of a call to war where both houses would have to pass the measure or fundamental aspects of keeping the government running both houses would be available at the same time to debate and vote on laws that need to be passed for the betterment of the nation.

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A session of congress when both member of both houses meet together?

Joint session

How often is the congressional record published?

The Congressional Record is a publication of the events and daily actions of the United States Congress.It is published everyday Congress is in session. Members of both Houses may edit their remarks before publication.

Which session of the year the president addresses both the houses of the parliament?

First session

What are both houses free from during their attendance at the session of their respective houses?


Can the president call both houses into special session?


What is a bicameral session?

it is a meeting of both houses of Congress -R.S.-

Which document are the proceedings of both houses of congress published in?

Congressional Record

Is it true or false that the president can call both houses into a special session?


Which session of the year president address both the houses of Indian parliament?

none of these

Why does the constitution require both houses to be in session at the same time?

Because it avoids confusion.

If the president veteos a bill passed by congress then?

Congress has the chance to override the veto. However, it takes 2/3 of both houses to do that. With the current membership in Congress, that means that it takes 290 Representatives and 67 Senators. They have to override it before that particular Congressional session ends. If the session ends, then the bill "dies," and they have to start all over, next time.

Why do both houses must be in session at the same time without the others concent?

no diss a gree ment