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Q: What financial problems did the Meiji leaders face in 1871?
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What was the new meiji army in 1871 based on?

The new Army was based off of France, then later became to be based off Germany. Also their Navy was based off England.

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Marsh is a company that was founded in 1871, and is primarily known for its financial services. The company offers insurance broking and risk consulting for international and multinational companies and organizations.

What is 1948 - 1871?

1948 - 1871 = 77

Who became a province in 1871?

the six provinces that existed in 1871

What was life like in 1871?

it would feel boring in 1871.

When were all the southern states re-admitted in the Union?

1871 1871

When was Antennablennius hypenetes created?

Antennablennius hypenetes was created in 1871.

What part of speech is 1871?

1871 is a cardinal number and acts as a noun.

What day of the week was July 10 1871?

July 10, 1871 was on a Monday.

How many years is between 1871 and 2010?

There are 2010-1871, or 139 years between 1871 and 2010.That is measuring differentially. If you mean to treat the years as a set, [1871-2010], and you mean "not the end points" when you say "between", then the number of years in the set [1872-2009] or (1871-2010) is 138.

Were there pistols in 1871 1872?

Yes. Pistols came along long before 1871