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Q: What do representatives tend to specialize in issues on their importance?
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Continue Learning about American Government

What are some beliefs in republicanism?

Republicanism is basically just electing representatives to vote on different government matters for your state's opinion. Example: Someone suggests a 28th Amendment to the Constitution. At Least 2/3 of Congress has to ratify it. Your state must elect representatives, if you are missing them, for the vote.

What is Political Subculture?

Political cultures may be consensual or conflictual on issues of public policy and on their views of legitimate governmental and political arrangements. In a consensual political culture citizens tend to agree on the appropriate means of making decisions and tend to share views of what the major problems of the society are and how to solve these. In more conflictual cultures the citizens are sharply divided, often on both the legitimacy of the regime and solutions to major problems.

Why do single-issue parties tend to be short-lived?

They died away as events have passed them by, as their themes have failed to attract voters, or as one or both of the major parties have taken their key issues as their own.

Who do women tend to vote for?

The women mostly tend to vote for the democrats rather than voting for the republicans.

Why are bureaucies concervative?

In respect to governmental bureaucracy, and in general terms, bureaucracies tend toward conservatism for several reasons. For one thing, the officers and administrators of governmental agencies are, like most ordinary persons, committed to the established way of doing things, in whatever area they may be serving; thus, they tend to 'conserve' rather than be 'creative' or 'progressive.' For another thing, and again like most ordinary persons, such governmental employees desire job-security; thus, they tend to seek to 'conserve' (or, more simply, hold on to) their responsibilities, their positions, and their funding, regardless of changing political climates or national needs and issues.

Related questions

Which doctors specialize in critical care situations?

Doctors that specialize in critical care situations are known as 'Intensivists". These doctors tend to work in the intensive care unit and are trained to deal with critical care cases.

What is Heckscher-Ohlin's theory of International Trade?

Countries will tend to specialize in goods that utilize their abundant resources ( labor, minerals, etc.)

Trends and issues in medical surgical nursing?

Trends in medical surgical nursing tend to focus on the total well being, rather than just one issue or symptom. Issues tend to center around patient compliance.

Are there any known issues with PSPs?

Some known issues witih PSPs include UMD's that tend to be flimsy and break after long periods of use.

How do Jewish voters vote?

They tend to be more liberal than average on economic and cultural issues.

Do two major parties tend to take up extreme positions on most issues?


What is the importance of joint stock companies?

because without stocking up on joints, companies tend to get cranky

Why do leos have issues?

Leos tend to have issues with their ego. Often they are too self-centered, and seek too strongly the approval of others to build their self-worth.

How do countries benefit from specialization?

Based on the concept of comparative advantage, a country will tend to specialize in fields where they have an advantage relative to other countries. Countries such as Australia have vast amounts of natural resources, so will tend to specialize in exporting mineral ore. China, with its vast labour pool will tend to specialize in manufacturing and the U.S with its vast R&D investment will tend to be the one who owns the intellectual property and patents. Though the examples given are simplistic in nature, they show that by specialising in areas where countries have an advantage they are on-the-whole better-off compared to attempting to do all the tasks; to do so would be inefficient. Hence, by allowing specialization countries are able to have a level of consumption or production greater than if trade was not conducted.

Do people who have anger have autism?

Not all people with anger have autism but autistic people do tend to have anger issues

Why do single-issues tend to be short-lived?

They died away as events have passed them by, as their themes have failed to attract voters, or as one or both of the major parties have taken their key issues as their own.

What is the difference between anger issues and Aspergers?

Some people with AS also have anger issues. Most people with AS however are not expressive however hypersensitive. Most people with anger issues are very expressive and can be violent where as invidiuals with AS tend to avoid touching.