confederate ordered them to leave because they formed a new government and it was their territory
The federal government controlled the Confederate states during Reconstruction.
A depleted version of the normal US Government, with all the Southern states absent. They had formed their own Confederate States of America.
where the power of a government is located
limiting he power of the federal government The central government's role should be reduced.
Differences are quite trivial. The main difference is that the federal government is more powerful. Also, the confederate government can't pass their own law and taxes, while the federal government can.
confederate ordered them to leave because they formed a new government and it was their territory
The federal government controlled the Confederate states during Reconstruction.
The federal government controlled the Confederate states during Reconstruction.
The federal government controlled the Confederate states during Reconstruction.
The federal government controlled the Confederate states during Reconstruction.
A common nickname for Confederate soldiers because their opposition to the federal government was "rebel." While once a pejorative term, the Confederates decided to embrace the name, and turn it into a symbol representing southern identity and pride.
what kind of government does china have confederate unitary or federal what kind of government does china have confederate unitary or federal
China is neither. China is a centralised (unitary) government where all power is in the central government.
to federal a government
They just undergone a confederate system which gave the central government little power so they needed a stronger government.
a lot of people are saying Switzerland, but I'm pretty sure switz. has a federal structured government