he is a frickin liberal. Bush is a lib too.
That's a great question. The Republicans use GOP (Grand Old Party). But in current abbreviations, I don't think there's a common one for Democrats. On Twitter, they are often called "Dems", since you often need short words when sending a tweet. I have also seen "Dems" in newspaper headlines. GOP is not generally used in conversation-- it too is used as a newspaper headline or in tweets.
The main right wing parties in Australian politics are Family First Party (FFP), Liberal Party of Australia (Lib) and the National Party of Australia (Nat).
----non-partisan election (novanet)---- As a councillor I am used to Independent Councillors. The difficulty is that though they have independence of accountability they have to win their support by argument and by doing deals with the big battalions who usually hold most of the votes. In the council I serve on there is an overwhelming Conservative majority for the first time (46 seats), next largest are Independents who club together to get committee places etc (7), Lib Dems (5) and Labour (3). The Conservatives used to be the second party and in ten years I can recollect very few cases of a whip being used. The great problem in local government is that all scrutiny panels and committees have to be politically balanced, This means places are allocated in the proportion of the number of seats held by each group. A group of one gets nothing. Independent or non-political is hard work because you are pushing against the tide.
It might stand for Salt lake City but usually there is a t on the end.
liberal democrats
All of them
Nick Clegg.
They believe they are right! The questioner is unlikely to get very helpful answers, to a question that is as unspecific as the one posed!
The Lib Dems.
Conservatives and Lib-Dems
The Labour Party and the Consevative Party. The present government is a Conservative Lib/Dem coalition. In local government the Lib/Dems are sometimes in power.
At present it is the "Liberal Democrats" commonly called the "Lib Dems".
LIB is mxit slang witch stands for lieing in bed
of course they can leave and that would probably lead to another general election.
blue represents the conservative party red represents the labour party yellow represents the lib dems (liberal democrats)