Disposable income
The Americans had to pay taxes to the British because the British started the colonies to get profit from it.
American Colonists
It was paid for through import duties, excise taxes, and taxes that were divided among the states by their population.
Monaco doesn't pay income taxes
Yes could have to pay some income taxes on your pension income.
Estates pay taxes on income and may have to pay inheritance taxes.
= the amount of income individuals have after they save and pay their taxes? =
Generally, if you have NET income after deductions and losses, you pay tax.
State income taxes don't pay for road repair in other states.
Yes everyone has to pay income taxes no matter what even the president.
Yes. They pay income taxes and property taxes and sales taxes.
Everybody has to pay taxes.
All workers in America, regardless of religious beliefs, are subject to the same taxes.
He had to pay his income tax. My dad has to pay income taxes.