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the patriots

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Q: What did those who opposed the British taxes begin to call themselves?
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What After the Stamp Act what did those who opposed the British taxes begin to call themselves?

the patriots

After the stamp act what did those who opposed the british taxes begin to call themselves?

the patriots

After the stamp act what did those who oppose the British taxes begin to call themselves?

the patriots

How did the oppose the new British taxes?

The British opposed new taxes after the war because they needed to pay off all of the fines for the war. The taxes that the British opposed were on things imported into the states such as on paint, paper, and the well known TEA!

Why didn't the British arrest Samuel Adams?

He was the leader of the American Revolution and opposed the British Parliament's taxes.

What did those who oppossed that british taxes begain to call themselves after the stamp act?


Why did the colonists oppose English taxes?

American colonists objected to British taxes because the colonists had no vote on the taxes and no representation in the British parliament. The colonists' catchphrase for protests was "taxation without representation", because they were being taxed without representation in the parliament and that's why they were mad.

Why did merchants in the American colonies begin smuggling goods?

They didn't want to pay taxes on goods.

Why do you have to protest british taxes?

There is no requirement to protest British taxes currently, and many British citizens do not do this.

How did the colonists show they opposed new British taxes?

they did Boston tea party and declared war Boycotting taxed products deprived the Crown of the intended revenue.

Why were the colonists mad about British taxes after the war between Britain and France?

The colonists were British citizens and took part in the war( Washington was a British officer) and the crown felt that they should help pay for the war. Hence taxes were levied for the colonies contributions to pay down the war debt. One of the things people have a tendency to forget is they were British and thought of themselves as British.

Why did the British American have to pay taxes?

The Americans had to pay taxes to the British because the British started the colonies to get profit from it.