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Q: What describes a government in which only a small group of wealthy people have power?
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Which of the following describes a government in which only a small group of wealthy people have power?

Some names for the form of government ruled by the rich or powerful might include, a plutocracy (rule by the wealthy), an oligarchy (rule by the wealthy, connected, educated, royalty), or maybe an aristocracy (rule by a small class of privileged).

Type of government controlled by a few wealthy people?

An oligarchy is a government controlled by a small group of wealthy landowners and corporate leaders.

What statements best describes an oligarchy?

a government that is controlled by a small group of political leaders.A+A government that is controlled by a small group of political leaders.

What is the name for a government ruled by a small group of people?

A government ruled by a small group of people is an oligarchy.

What is a oligarchic government?

A government in which a small group holds all the power is called an oligarchy.Governments where power is concentrated in the hands of a small group of people and successors are hand picked based on their views that are close to the views of the other members of the government.Oligarchy is the rule of the few.power in the hands of a few people with a lot of moneyThe word oligarchy is defined as a small group of people having control of a country, or institution. An example would be A government that controls a state or group of people.Rule by a wealthy elite.The definition of oligarchy is having a small group of people who control an organization or a country. This is commonly developed from monopolies.

Related questions

What is the system of government where a few wealthy people hold power over the larger group?

Oligarchy is government by the few. Plutocracy is government by the wealthy few.

Which of the following describes a government in which only a small group of wealthy people have power?

Some names for the form of government ruled by the rich or powerful might include, a plutocracy (rule by the wealthy), an oligarchy (rule by the wealthy, connected, educated, royalty), or maybe an aristocracy (rule by a small class of privileged).

Type of government controlled by a few wealthy people?

An oligarchy is a government controlled by a small group of wealthy landowners and corporate leaders.

What government is it when all the laws and decisions are made ny a group of wealthy people?


System of government where a few wealthy people hold power over the larger group?


What is the Oligarchy System?

It describes a system that is run solely by a group of wealthy superiors

What is the oligarchy's legal system?

It describes a system that is run solely by a group of wealthy superiors

What are the differences between the systems of feudalism and empires?

the difference was that an empire was a group of people ruling while feudalism was a government where wealthy individuals ruled.

What group of people would not benefit from HUD?

The wealthy.

When a country is ruled by a small wealthy group that country is using an as its form of government?


What statements best describes an oligarchy?

a government that is controlled by a small group of political leaders.A+A government that is controlled by a small group of political leaders.

Which of these statements best describes a confederate form of government?

a government that is characterized by a loosely organized group