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The Supreme Court has the ultimate say on whether something is constitutional or not.

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Q: What court has final authority on constitutional system?
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Who has the final authority in interpreting the meaning of the constitution?

When the Supreme Court issues a ruling, there is no further avenue of appeal. That makes them the final authority.

What court declares the final word on the constitutionality of a state law?

The [State] Supreme Court (or its equivalent) has final authority unless the question being addressed in the state constitution conflicts with the US Constitution, in which case the US Supreme Court has final authority.

Are state supreme court judges more powerful than US Supreme Court Justices?

No, the state supreme courts only interpret policy for legislation or the constitution specific to the state over which it presides. The state supreme court is the final arbiter on those issues. On questions of Federal and constitutional law, the Supreme Court of the United States holds more authority.

Who has the final authority to interpret the US Constitution?

The Judicial Branch of government is vested with the authority to interpret the Constitution and ensure that laws adhere to the spirit and letter of the Constitution. It is also responsible for determining how a laws are interpreted and applied.As the highest court in the nation, the US Supreme Courtis the ultimate authority on the interpretation of laws and the Constitution.However, through the system of checks and balances, the Supreme Court does not have the final say on what the Constitution is. The Congress, with the several States, has the authority to amend (change) the Constitution, thus potentially overturning a Supreme Court decision. This is a difficult and time-consuming thing to accomplish and so is not often done.

Who can declare a law unconstitutional?

Any Article III (constitutional) court (or equivalent state court) can declare a law unconstitutional if the law is part of a case they're trying or reviewing; however, the government would probably appeal the case all the way to the Supreme Court to get a definitive answer.The US Supreme Court is the ultimate arbiter of constitutionality, and has final authority over questions of constitutionality.Article III CourtsUS District CourtsUS Court of International TradeUS Court of Appeals Circuit CourtsSupreme Court of the United States

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Under the federal system the final authority is the?

The final authority in the federal system is the Supreme Court.

Does the court system have the final authority in the federal system?

The final authority over what? The answer to this question depends on the subject under discussion.

Who has the final authority under the federal system?

Supreme Court

Why is Marbury Madison considered to be an important Supreme Court decision?

It established the authority of the Supreme Court to rule on the constitutionality of an act of Congress. That is, it resolved that the Supreme Court is the final authority when determining whether a law is Constitutional or not.

Why is marbury v. Madison consider to be important supreme court decision?

It established the authority of the Supreme Court to rule on the constitutionality of an act of Congress. That is, it resolved that the Supreme Court is the final authority when determining whether a law is Constitutional or not.

Who has the final authority to ratify a Constitutional amendment?

Constitutional amendments in the United States are ratified by a three-fourths majority of state legislatures or by a ratifying convention held in three-fourths of the states. The final authority rests with the states, not the federal government.

Why is Marbury v. Madison considered to be an important Supreme Court decision?

It established the authority of the Supreme Court to rule on the constitutionality of an act of Congress. That is, it resolved that the Supreme Court is the final authority when determining whether a law is Constitutional or not.

What role does the supreme court play in the court system?

it acts as the final authority on the constitutionally of state and Federal Laws

Which court has the final say on the constitutionality of the a law?

A constitutional court would do this.

What court has final appellate jurisdiction for a case involving the 14th amendment rights of a citizen?

The United States Supreme Court has final appellate jurisdiction for cases involving the 14th Amendment rights of a citizen. It is the highest court in the U.S. and has the authority to review decisions made by lower courts on constitutional issues.

What is the name of the highest court in the us which has final judicial authority?

The Supreme Court

Who have final authority to interpret constitution of India?

Supreme Court