The countries are the issue, it is not democratic form
the Romans created the form of government known as a republic of representative democracy this is the most used government type in the world today amongst countries. about every country has this form of government.
central and federal are the same type of government but in some countries it is known by the name of "federal government"
What countries have a military juntioa government
More than 20 countries in Asia and Africa do not have a democratic form of government.
There are a few countries in the world that have an authoritarian government. A few of the countries are China, Vietnam, and Russia.
unlimited government
Every country has a government
Various countries have had a fascist government. For example, in the 1940s the government of Germany was a fascist one.
The following countries have a Republic government: America (US) France The Slovak Republic (Slovakia)
all western countries
The military rule is the form of government that many countries adopted after the war.
The countries that usually need a transitional government are countries which have just been through a coup or a civil war. Some of the countries include Somalia and Afghanistan.
a country that has the types of government
No country today has an oligarch government.