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King George the III passed the Quarting Act, the Stamp Act, and the Sugar Act.

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Q: What acts did King George III put on the Colonists?
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Why did King George III gave in on the Intolerable acts punishment?

The Intolerable Acts were a punishment for the colonists by King George III. The Intolerable Acts were put into effect after the Boston Tea Party. The Intolerable Acts were one of the final straws that broke the camel's back in regards to the start of the American Revolutionary War.

Did King George III send soldiers to capture the colonists military supplies?

King George III captured the colonists military supplies to stop them from rebelling.

The acts passed by king George iii and parliament that closed Boston harbor until the Massachusetts colonists paid for the ruined tea were called the?

The Coercive acts

Why did Britain impose the stamp acts?

The British Soldiers protected the American colonists. King George III thought the colonists should help pay the army's cost.

Who is HE that the colonists refer to in the grievances?

They refer to the king of England

Who was the king of England when the intolerable acts were passed?

King george iii

Who were the colonists taxed by?

they were taxed by king george III because he needed money for the french and Indian war : )

Who was king of England when American colonists declared their independence from England?

King George III

Who was the King of England when American colonists declare their independence from England?

King George III

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Who was the king of England who approved the intolerable acts?

George III (George the third)

Who were Important people in the Intolerable Acts?

King George III