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Q: What Basis Did Roosevelt Plan To Raise Taxes?
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Does President Obama have a plan to lower US's national debt?

YES, he is going to raise taxes on the higher class.

What was proposed by Benjamin Franklin in 1754 and called for a colonial council that could raise an army levy taxes and regulate trade with the Indians?

Albany plan of union

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The powers that the legislature would have under the Albany Pan Of Union is the power to collect taxes, raise troops, and regulate trade.

Which of the following was a criticism and Roosevelt's court-packing plan?

Roosevelt's court-packing plan would disrupt the checks and balances of the government.

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How did the court packing plan affect Franklin Roosevelt's plan for the new plan?

it weakend the elction for a new legislation

A Plan where the government pays out more money than it takes in with taxes is called?

"A plan where the government pays out more money than it takes in with taxes"

Which president was the square deal was a plan for fair government?

Theodore Roosevelt used this term to describe his program.

What plan was suggested by the large states as a basis for the new legislative branch?

Virginia Plan

Why did say Roosevelt's Court-packing plan would disrupt the checks and balance of the government's branches?

The plan would give roosevelt more power by putting more of his supporters on the supreme court.

Why did critics Roosevelt's court packing plan would disrupts the checks and balances of governments branches?

The plan would give Roosevelt more power by putting more of his supporters on the Supreme Court.

Which president came up with a plan to help end the great depression?

Roosevelt/New Deal