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The questions were whether to allow slavery (this decision was postponed for 20 years) and whether to count slaves as residents when determining Congressional apportionment and taxation (there was the 3/5 Compromise, which may seem ludicrous today, because the slaves could not vote).

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Q: What 2 slave issues were discussed when creating the US Constitution?
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The 1808 Slave Trade Compromise in the Constitution.

When reading the us Constitution how can it help us today understand the issues of slavery?

It really doesn't help you. The men who wrote it were slave owners and it isn't until after the civil war that amendments were added.

What are slave issues?

suck it hard bithchezz

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No. The United States Constitution does not allow you to become a slave, or for anyone else to own you.

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did not slave

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A slave was 3/4 of a person in the constitution when population was counted for the house.