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according to what country your dealing with for example a caribbean like st.vincent and the grenadines who is still under british law the prime minister has to get consent from the british government but for other states like america i believe that all presidents come together and determine their final answer.

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"Consent of the governed" gives power to citizens.

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Q: The government receives its authority from the consent of who?
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The government receives its authority to act from the people.

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John Locke argued that government holds its authority only with the consent of the people. He believed that individuals have natural rights that should be protected, and that government exists to secure these rights through the consent of the governed.

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The principal is known as popular sovereignty. It asserts that the power and legitimacy of a government come from the consent and participation of the governed population. Therefore, the government rules with the consent of the people.

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Consent of the governed.

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In a democracy, consent of the governed means that the government's authority comes from the will of the people. For example, the legitimacy of a government is based on the consent of the governed, who have the power to choose their leaders through free and fair elections.

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Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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Who believed that the sovereign resides in the citizens and the government gets its authority from the consent of the governed?

Jean Jacques Rousseau

What role does consent play in the social contract?

Consent is a foundational aspect of the social contract theory, which posits that individuals agree to give up certain freedoms in exchange for the protection of their remaining rights by the government. Consent ensures that individuals willingly participate in the establishment and maintenance of social order, thereby legitimizing the authority of the government. Without consent, the social contract would be considered invalid and government authority would lack moral legitimacy.

Who believed that the sovereign power resides in the citizens and government gets it authority from the consent of the governed?

Jean Jacques Rousseau