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Q: The attacks of September 11 were the first attack on American soil since what other attack?
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Who did the US first attack after the September 11 terrorist attacks?

The Taliban

How long did the attacks last?

The attacks on September 11, 2001, lasted for approximately two hours. The first attack occurred at 8:46 am when American Airlines Flight 11 hit the North Tower of the World Trade Center, and the last attack was at 10:28 am when the North Tower collapsed.

What country did the US first attack after the September 11 terrorist attacks?

The USA, UK and NATO allied forces invaded Afghanistan.

Where were the American first attack in world War 2?

While there were earlier attacks, such as the sinking of the gunboat Panay in China, the first full scale attack on US Forces was at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on 7 Dec 1941.

Who had the first heart attack?

heart attacks have been around since the beginning of time

When did Hitler attack first?

Hitler first attacked Poland on September 1st, 1939.

Where did the attacks of 911 take place?

There were numerous attacks on the US on September 11, 2001. The World Trade Center in New York was the biggest target. The crashing into the two buildings killed more than 3,000 people of all walks of life. There was also an attack on the Pentagon in Washington DC. There was a failed attempt on a target that ended up crashing in a field in Pennsylvania.

If a dog attacks a child for the first time. can this dog attack again?

It is highly possible that it will attack again, but it depends on the type of dog and its owner, if it has one.

When did bin laden first attack the twin towers?

He only attacked it once. On 9/11/01 (september 11 2001) biggest US tragedy.

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Where ever the heck the bear first hits when it attacks the sheep.

How do you get your Pokemon to attack first in a battle in Pokemon diamond?

The Pokemon that has the greater speed attacks first, but there are some moves that attack always first in the battle and some items that increase the chance of attacking first like the Quick Claw

What were the names of the Digidestined Champion Digimon attacks during the first season?

The names of the Digidestined Champion-level Digimon's attacks were Greymon, Garurumon, Angemon, Gatomon, Kabuterimon, Ikkakumon, Birdramon and Togemon. Garurumon's attack is Howling Blaster, Gatomon's attacks were Cat Eye's Hypnotism and Lightning Paw, Greymon's attack was Nova Blast, Angemon's attack was Hand of Fate, Kabuterimon's attack was Electro Shocker, Ikkakumon's attack was Harpoon Torpedo, Birdramon's attack was Meteor Wing and Togemon's attack is Needle Spray.