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Eight. Each term is 4 years. A president can serve a term and then get re-elected one time.

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13y ago

If you mean American Presidents, the max is 11. They would have to be elected vice president, something happen to the president and they took over, then they could be elected twice.

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Q: Presidents can serve up to how many years?
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Is there a term limit for us presidents?

Yes: in modern America, a president can only serve two terms and up to ten years in presidential office.

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In the United States, a president can serve up to two terms, each lasting four years. After serving two terms, a president is not eligible to run for re-election and must step down.

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By law, Obama can only serve two terms as president which means he can only serve for 8 years. This means his time is up in 2016.

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A US president may serve up to two terms of four years each, for a total maximum of 8 years in office.

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I heard that you can do up to 10 years; but im actually sure.

How many years can the President serve Why is there a limit to how many terms a person can be President?

The president can serve up to eight years, which is two terms. A term is four years. A limit has been set, so our government will not become a dictatorship.

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can serve up to 8 years. they serve one term for four years and then there is another election. if they are elected again, they are there for another four years. they can't serve more than 8 years, though.

How long can a president serve for and how many terms?

In the usa, the president can serve up to two terms, each being 4 years. The president can only serve the second term if he/she is elected again.

How many years does a president?

4 years per term, they can serve up to 2 terms. With the exception of Franklin D Roosevelt who served more.

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4 years, then he/she is up for re-election.

A Vice President who completes a former President's term may serve as President up to how many years?

Type your answer here... he will first have to be elected when the next election comes up, then if he is elected he can serve 4 years and run for one more term if he is re-elected.

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A mayor is allowed to serve up to 2 terms. That's 4 years.