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State laws fall under the jurisdiction of the judicial branch of government. If a law is thought to be unconstitutional or unjust it is reviewed in the highest court ,the supreme court.

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Q: Is the district attorney executive branch or judicial branch?
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Who does the prosecutor report to?

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The Judicial branch has what is known as Judicial Review, which means the Judicial Branch may invalidate laws made by the Legislative branch and executive orders made by the Executive branch that it determines is unconstitutional.

What are the branches of the Government of the US?

The Executive Branch;The Legislative Branch;The Judicial Branch.Legislative Executive Judicial1.Legislative branch - (i.e. Congress).2.Executive branch (i.e. The President).3.Judicial branch (i.e. The Supreme Court).

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The judicial branch can interpret laws, the executive branch enforces them. Also the executive branch can veto bills given to him/her by Congress, the judicial branch can declare things "unconstitutional."

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The two branches are connected because the executive branch sends laws to the judicial branch

Can a municipal mayor veto district court orders?

No. DIstrict Courts are STATE courts and a MUNICIPAL chief executive has no power to do so.MOREOVER: No member of the executive branch of government has the power to "veto" findings or directives of the judicial branch.

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Executive branch: Legislative branch: Judicial branch: ....thank you... Executive branch: Legislative branch: Judicial branch: ....thank you...

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No. In the US, the Attorney General is member of the Executive Branch of government and due to the Constitutional separation of powers, he cannot overrule a finding of the Judicial Branch.

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The executive branch is led by the President. The judicial branch is headed by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

What are the 3 parts of government?

Executive Legislative & Judicial leslative branch executiva branch judicial branch