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Q: Is it true that under no cicumstances may you accept a 50 gift offered because of your government position?
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Jane is offered the position of governess at Thornfield Hall by Mrs. Fairfax, the housekeeper.

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Because CBS offered him more money for the same position.

What is offered by Government Insurance?

The insurance offered by government differs from region to region. In Canada and Europe the amount of basic converage offered by their government is significantly higher than what is offered to residents of the United States.

How did the US accquire the territory of Florida?

the Spanish government offered them, because SU and the spanish was having conflict

Where will be the center of gravity of the man if he offering his prayer?

Prayers can be offered in different position. In each case, the center of gravity would be different.Prayers can be offered in different position. In each case, the center of gravity would be different.Prayers can be offered in different position. In each case, the center of gravity would be different.Prayers can be offered in different position. In each case, the center of gravity would be different.

How do you use offered in a sentence?

I was offered the position and I accepted it.

How do you convince someone to come to the Spartan government?

The council (gerousia) comprised selected members of the aristocracy aged 60 and over. Those offered this privileged position didn't need convincing.

What type of government credits are offered to first time home buyers?

There are many types of government credits available to first time home buyers. Some of these credits are offered by the federal government, such as a credit on your annual income tax. Other credits are offered by local government and will vary from area to area.

What position was Robert E Lee offered before the civil wars?

He was offered command of the entire Union army, but rejected.

What political position was albert Einstein offered but declined?

President of Israel