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Q: Is it true that In the 1848 presidential campaign the Free Soil Party promised to veto the Wilmot Proviso should Congress ever pass it?
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Is it true that In the 1848 presidential campaign the Free-Soil Party promised to veto the Wilmot Proviso should Congress ever pass it?

No, it is not true. In the 1848 presidential campaign, the Free-Soil Party did not promise to veto the Wilmot Proviso. The Free-Soil Party was primarily concerned with opposing the expansion of slavery into the newly acquired territories, and while they supported the Wilmot Proviso, it did not explicitly promise a veto of the legislation.

What fate did the Wilmot Proviso meet in Congress?

It failed to become law.

Who presented a proviso to congress to prohibit slavery in the Mexican cession?

David Wilmot

The Wilmot Proviso revealed that members of Congress could what?

Vote their conscience and not their constituency.

What did the Wilmot proviso reveal about members of Congress?

They were divided but most favored the abolition of slavery.

Wilmot Proviso revealed that members of Congress?

That the House was divided but with a majority favoring the abolition of slavery.

How did the southerners manage to kill his proviso?

Southerners managed to defeat the Wilmot Proviso by using their political power to block its passage in Congress. They successfully argued that the Proviso was unconstitutional and threatened to secede from the Union if it was enacted, leading to a compromise to preserve the Union.

What issue divided Congress in the debate over passage of Wilmot Proviso?

The extension of slavery into new territories

Did the Wilmot Proviso lead to the compromise of 1850?

In part, simply by bringing the issue of slavery to the halls of Congress.

How did the Wilmot Proviso lead to the secession?

The Wilmot Proviso was an amendment to an appropriations bill that President Polk sought Congress to pass in order to fight the war with Mexico. It was David Wilmot, a Democrat from Pennsylvania who made the proviso that wpould ban slavery in any territories the US obtained from the war with Mexico. The House of Representatives would pass it however the Senate would not. Historians do not cite the "Proviso" to the secession of the Southern states in 1860 to 1861.

What is the reasalt of the wilmot proviso?

The ethical question of allowing slavery to extend to the new Southwestern states became an emotive issue in Congress.

What is a proposed law that prohibited slavery in any lands won from Mexico?

wilmot proviso