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yes. yes it is

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Q: Is America a socialist country
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Related questions

When did Socialist Party of America end?

Socialist Party of America ended in 1973.

When was Socialist Union of America created?

Socialist Union of America was created in 1953.

When did Socialist Union of America end?

Socialist Union of America ended in 1959.

Is Colombia a socialist or communist country?

Neither: it is capitalist.

What causes socialism in America?

I'll assume you mean what causes individuals to be socialist in America. America as a country is not socialist, is it a free-market capitalist state. Although a variety of policies in America have some socialist undertones, they are not representative of the majority of US policy. As such, various individuals in America are socialist for an indefinite variety of reasons, including (but not limited to): upbringing, religion, education level, and income level. These are the same factors that tend to influence almost all opinions held by people.

When was Socialist Party of North America created?

Socialist Party of North America was created in 1911.

When was Socialist Party of America created?

Socialist Party of America was created on 1901-07-29.

What European country's are socialist?

There are no socialist countries in Europe.

Are there any communist governments in south America?

No, there may be some countries where the leader tends to be socialist, but out and out communism there is no country in South America with this system.

When was Socialist Labor Party of America created?

Socialist Labor Party of America was created on 1876-07-15.

Is austria a socialist country or not?


Is Brazil a socialist country?

No, Brazil is a capitalist country.