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bad because the puritans were different.

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Q: How would Puritans get along with kings?
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Where the puritans on the kings side or parliaments side?

the puritans were on the parliaments side

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When was Sing Along with Acid House Kings created?

Sing Along with Acid House Kings was created in 2005.

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they would be excuted along with their whole family

What happens when nobles began to reject the zhou kings authority?

they would be excuted along with their whole family

What happened when nobles began to reject the Zhou kings authority?

they would be excuted along with their whole family

What happen when nobles began to reject the zhou kings authority?

they would be excuted along with their whole family

Did the Puritans believe they could make Christ return in America?

No, the Puritans just wanted a place where they could worship Christ according to their personal beliefs without Kings or official Church leaders interfering.

What group of people first settled in Massachusetts?

The pilgrims and stop going on answers for all your needs do the research yourself.

How did the royalists differ from the parliamentarians?

The Royalists supported the monarchy, and accepted the Divine Right of Kings. The Parliamentarians were the puritans, and supported the rule of Parliament.

What did Charles I and James I have in common?

a plan to lodge soldiers in private homes. opposition to the Puritans. a need for money. a belief in the divine right of kings.

Where would the Puritans be tried?

the catholic church