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Q: How was slavery protected by the constitution?
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What did Millard Fillmore think of slavery?

He was against it , but he realized that it was protected by the Constitution and important to the Southern economy.

Why were most southerner's pleases with the dred Scott decision?

Because it said slavery was protected by the Constitution.

Was Franklin Pierce a lifelong proponent of slavery?

No- he did not advocate slavery, but he thought the institution was protected by the US Constitution and that states had the right to allow it if they chose to.

What did the lecompton constitution do?

The Lecompton Constitution was a proposed constitution for the state of Kansas written in response to the anti-slavery position of the 1855 Topeka Constitution. This enshrined slavery, protected the rights of slaveholders and allowed voters the choice of allowing more slaves to enter the territory.

The Dred Scott decision on the issue of slavery upheld the Southern viewpoint that?

...slavery was protected by the constitution on the grounds that a man's property was sacred and slaves were property.

Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858- what was the position of slavery?

That's what the debates were about - was slavery protected by the Constitution? If so, how could the new states vote to be free soil?

Although the Constitution abolished slavery more than a century ago slavery still exists in the world today?

The US Constitution did not initially abolish slavery. In fact it made it clear that for the next twenty years after ratification of the Constitution no law could be passed eliminating slavery and no amendment could be passed to eliminate the constitutional provision that protected slavery for twenty years. The Bill of Rights (technically part of the Constitution) did abolish slavery however. Slavery does still exist in the world today in the form of Human Trafficking.

Which supreme court decisions in effect meant the constitution protected slavery?

Dred Scoot v. Sanford

Why did Dred Scott decision alarm northerners?

It appeared to mean that slavery was protected by the Constitution, and could not be banned from any state of the Union.

Slavery how important it was in the constitution?

How important was the issue of slavery in the Constitution?

What was the relationship between The Missouri Compromise and the courts decision in the dred Scott case?

The court ruled that slavery was protected by the constitution, so the Missouri Compromise (which banned slavery North of a certain parallel) was invalid.

Why did Dred Scott decision make Southerners happy?

It declared that slavery was protected by the Constitution, and asserted that a black man should not be allowed to sue his master.