The swastika can be dated back to about 3,000 years ago but some scientists believe it is over 10,000 years old. Originally it met life, sun, power, strength, and good luck. Even Native Americans used the Swastika and because of this the 45th Infantry Division (U.S.A) even had the swastika as there emblem during WW1 but was changed when the Nazi party used the emblem. Now days the swastika symbolizes hate, anti-Semitism, violence, death, and murder although this is not it's true meaning.
A blatant sign of racism and prejudice. A symbol of hate
hakenkreuz "hooked cross" = swastica. when people say "bent cross" they are just misinformed and probably mean "hooked cross", most likely. Germans call it "hakenkreuz" and people that speak English call it "swastica"
very very old
In the U.S., you have to be 18 to vote. You can't be too old to vote.
He was 44 years old.
The swastika.
The swastika is a very old symbol. But to answer your question it was used by the Nazis in World War 2.
don't you mean the swastika? the swastika was the nazi symbol. don't you mean the swastika? the swastika was the nazi symbol.
Swastika, It is actually an old symbol: present in some Indian Tribes, and Runes. It is put on Nazi flags and armbands that Nazi officers wore during world war 2.
The symbol of Hitler's political party, the Nazis, was the swastika.
A Swastika is the symbol for Nazi Germany.
Hitler took the Swastika from Hindu mythology. It symbolizes peace and prosperity. Ironic, no?
The internet. Swastika's are illegal in some countries.
The Pink Swastika was created in 1995.
Swastika Night was created in 1937.
I was swastika.
That is easy the answers is swastika.