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Congress approves an annual budget.

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Who approves the federal budget?

The senate approves federal budgets. The House doesn't have this power, only the senate. Hope it helps!

Who approves budget for federal bureaucracy?

According to the US Constitution, Congress has "the power of the purse". This means that Congress approves the budget submitted by the President. It's one of the checks and balances built into the Constitution to ensure that one branch doesn't hold too much power.

Who approves the national budget?

Congress of the United States of America, or you could say the legislative branch.

What or who approves the budget for the nation each year?

We haven't passed a budget in quite sometime. The President our either house of congress can propose a budget and them all three need to pass it.

What does Congress do to the president s budget?

Congress approves the budget. Actually the President submits a budget REQUEST and the House of Representatives acts on it to write the actual budget and pass it as a Bill. The budget bill then goes to the Senate but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills.

Who maintains army and navy?

In the United States, the Army and the Navy is maintained by appropriations from Congress. The Defense Department submits a budget and the Congress approves or disapproves.

Who proposes the budget and who approves the budget for the federal government?

The President proposes and the senate approves federal budgets.

Who authorizes the spending after the office of management and budget?

After the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the spending must be authorized by Congress through the budget appropriation process. Congress reviews and approves funding levels for various government programs and agencies through the passage of appropriations bills.

What makes up the largest portion of uncontrollable spending in the national budget?

The largest portion of uncontrollable spending in the federal budget is the spending that Congress approves.

Who approves capital budget?

The project manager

Who approves federal treaties?
