How much money can a president spend? all of it. How much money can a president raise? .. well that tend not leave office with the country rich
can you please show how much the U.S. president gets altogether
The first men as president didn't take payment. They were wealthy men in their own right.
the 50 dollar bill
How much money can a president spend? all of it. How much money can a president raise? .. well that tend not leave office with the country rich
I don't think money is a factor. It is about who you are to the president and why the president should meet with you.
$50,000 was the annual salary for the President in 1908.
Nothing. The President can not accept outside money. To do so would look like a bribe.
The American President grossed $107,822,813 worldwide.
100billion naira
7.2 million
Hoover did not accept any salary from the government while he was President.
The American President grossed $60,022,813 in the domestic market.