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Q: How many times has the pledge been changed?
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How many time has the Constitution been changed?

the constitution has been changed 10 times.

How many years is the pledge of allegiance?

The original Pledge of Allegiance was written by Francis Bellamy in 1892, and has been changed four times since. The original is 118 years old, but since the last change (adding the words "under God") in 1954 it is 56 years old.

How many times has the school leaving age been raised?

it has been changed 3 times. :)

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it's only been changed once

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How many times has the Doctor Who theme tune been changed?

The Dr Who theme tune has been changed numerous time, but the melody remained the original one. It changed over 5 times and was selected by the director.

How many times has the ingil been changed?

many many times , there is many types ingil every one updated till know .

How many times has a TV been changed?

its really changes once a year

How many times has the TARDIS changed?

The TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space) has undergone several exterior changes throughout the history of "Doctor Who." The exact number of times varies depending on the inclusion of subtle modifications, but there have been around 14 major redesigns of the TARDIS exterior.

How many times has the bible been changed?

I would like to rephrase this question. The bible has been edited thousands of times, Sometimes by professionals (King James Version), and sometimes for just easier understanding (Clear Word). Every single one of these bibles have been translated to mean the same thing. Editing over years, as the person above has mentioned, so many times, we will never know, but the bible itself has never changed