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* Taft * Ford * Bush, (G.H.W.) * Bush, (G.W.)

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Q: How many presidents have last names of only 4 letters. Your answer of four does not include Polk.?
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Related questions

Which presidents have names that begin with the letter P?

Franklin Pierce and James Polk were U.S. Presidents.

What presidents last name has four letters?

Polk , Taft , Ford , Bush ,

Are there any presidents that start with an p?

Franklin Pierce and James Polk were U.S. Presidents. They names begin with the letter P.

Who are the two presidents that their last names begin with p?

· Franklin Pierce · James K. Polk

Who are the presidents with one syllable last names?

Polk, Pierce, Grant, Hayes, Taft, Ford, Bush

Which US president had the shortest name?

James Polk 9 letters or just Polk 4 letters

How many presidents lived or are buried in the same state as a James Polk?

Andrew Jackson and Andrew Johnson are the other two presidents who lived and are buried in Tennessee along with Polk.

How many presidents from the state of Tennessee?

There presidents, Andrew Johnson, Andrew Jackson, and James K. Polk

Where in the list of US Presidents is James Knox Polk?


Who held the annual white house thanksgiving dinner held by this presidents wife?

Sarah Polk, James Polk's wife.

What presidents were in the manifest destiny?

Polk Actually there were several different presidents during the time period of the Manifest Destiny. I am not sure who they are, but I don no that James K. Polk was one of them

Was James k Polk the youngest president?

Polk was the youngest president at the time, but several younger presidents have been elected since.