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Several. Eisenhower had an affair with his driver in England during the war. Franklin Roosevelt had a mistress of long-standing who served as his private secretary, as well as other occasional flirtations. JFK had women going out the back door as Jackie was coming in the front. He was even accused of having an affair with a Russian spy during the cold war. Several of Bill Clinton's amorous adventures have been documented and several others are rumored with some evidence. Harding sired an illegitimate daughter while he was in the Senate. Woodrow Wilson became close friends with another woman . They spent considerable time together and wrote warm letters, but it is not certain that they ever were intimate. James Garfield had some sort of liaison with a married woman.

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11y ago
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8y ago

Nobody ever accused Barack Obama of any infidelities. The same goes for Abraham Lincoln.

George W. Bush in his younger years was a cocaine-snorting playboy co-owning a football team including its cheerleaders, so chances are that he took advantage of the possibilities. Some of the US's great Presidents did certainly cheat, like Eisenhower, Kennedy and Roosevelt.

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14y ago

At least. Clinton, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, and Roosevelt were reported to have had extramarital affairs- along with earlier Presidents.

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13y ago

yes except for. James Buchanan who never married. Several were widowers while they were president. Cleveland was not married when he took office but took a wife thereafter.

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13y ago

Yes- Harding, Franklin Roosevelt, Kennedy and Clinton all were engaged in extramarital intrigues of some sort. Roosevelt's affair may have become platonic.

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13y ago

President Warren G. Harding , Franklin Roosevelt, Jack Kennedy and Bill Clinton all gave strong indications of marital infidelity.

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11y ago

Most of them starting with Washington .

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Q: What US Presidents commited adultery?
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