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Q: How many people rule in a Oligarchy style government?
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Did Rome have an oligarchy?

In theory no, in practice, yes. Every emperor including Augustus, had advisers and intimates who consulted and helped with the rule. According to Syme, Augustus had Agrippa, Maecenas and Livia as part of his ruling counsel, which constituted an oligarchy.

What are the types of government?

Direct Democracy, Tribal Rule, Absolute Monarchy, Dictatorship, Oligarchy, Constitutional Monarchy and Representative Democracy.

Who held the power in an oligarchy?

a group of men.. ha u need it for homework dont u?

Advantage and disadvantage of oligarchy in forms of government?

An oligarchy is any type of government in which power is held by relatively few people. An oligarchy may take many different forms. For example, a republic may be an oligarchy if only a relatively few people have the right to vote. In most oligarchies, the ruling group has power because of its wealth or military authority. The advantages of this would be that the nation/country would be capable of making swift decisions, and acting quickly. One may argue, based primarily on the work of sociologist C. Wright Mills, that oligarchy is a permanent element of our republic. The notion that we citizens elect leaders (who "lead" us but do not "rule" us) stops short of a pertinent point: in each Presidential election, though in reality hundreds of candidates run on various ballots trhoughout the country, only two--one Democrat and one Republican--have a chance of winning. The last third party candidate to carry a state was George Wallace in 1968 (he carried 5 southern states for 46 electoral votes). Essentially, what we see is a two-party system dominated by the corporate, political, and military elite who hold the power to support candidates that best serves their goal: to remain powerful. Fortunately, the Bill of Rights (and specific amendments) creates a set of civil liberties and immunities that protects U.S. citizens from government oppression.

What is Idi Amin's leadership style?

He was a cruel dictator who killed many of his people.

Related questions

Which country in the world is Oligarchy?

There are no countries with the government of an oligarchy today. Some argue many Western European countries are, but in reality they are not.

How do representative democracy differ from oligarchy?

A representative democracy differs from an oligarchy because people elect the small group in power. Almost anyone can run for office. Government positions are open to many people.

What are the politics and government of Greece?

Well, There were many different governments in greece for example sparta was a oligarchy. In athens it was a direct democracy. The minoans and micinians were both a monarchy. monarchy: One ruler oligarchy: a couple of people with military or government influence ruled direct democracy: a group ruled but the people had a say

What is the difference between an oligarchy and a democracy?

"For the real difference between democracy and oligarchy is poverty and wealth. Wherever men rule by reason of their wealth, whether they be few or many, that is an oligarchy, and when the poor rule, that is a democracy. "This is from Politics by Aristotle (Forms of Government Book III, Chapters 7-8, last paragraph).

What Is an oligarchy a government?

a form of government in which ruling power is in the hands of a few leaders (who are wealthy ) oligos - few arkein - rule How was this form of government practiced in ancient Greece? Political decisions were made by astrocrats (wealthy) and selected middle class people , ordinary people had no say so Why did this form of government decline in ancient Greece? - some oligarchs ruled harshly and their people rebelled - other oligarchs lost faith of the people when they couldn't solve major problems such as food shortages

How does oligarchy differ from representative?

An oligarchy is a form of government where power is concentrated in the hands of a few individuals or a small group, typically the wealthy or influential. Representative democracy, on the other hand, is a form of government where citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. In an oligarchy, power is held by a select few, while in a representative democracy, power is delegated to elected officials to represent the interests of the people.

Did the Greeks style of government have an effect on your modern government?

Yes, because the Greeks had many styles of governments like Monarchy and Oligarchy and Democracy. In the US we have Monarchy which was ruled by 1 person and Democracy which was ruled by citizens and citizens are aloud to vote. We have democracy because of the voting and we have the Monarchy for the 1 ruler.

How are an oligarchy's laws passed?

"Oligarchy" isn't a form of government, it's mostly used as an epithet to describe a degenerated, corrupt version of another governmental system. As such, there are many ways laws can be passed.

How are laws passed in an Oligarchy?

"Oligarchy" isn't a form of government, it's mostly used as an epithet to describe a degenerated, corrupt version of another governmental system. As such, there are many ways laws can be passed.

Explain the typology of government based on rule by one few or many?

Governments based on rule by one person are called autocracies or monarchies. Rule by a few individuals is called an oligarchy, while rule by many people is called a democracy. These typologies reflect the distribution of power and decision-making authority within a political system.

How would you use oligarchy in a sentence?

Cuba is ruled by more than one person but not by many which is an oligarchy, not by one person which would be a monarchy or by the people of the nation which would be a democracy.

What is a bad thing about an oligarchy?

A bad thing about an oligarchy is that power is concentrated in the hands of a small group of people, leading to potential inequality, limited representation for the broader population, and reduced accountability of those in power.