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5 men - is incorrect.

The correct answer is 44 men.

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The correct answer is 41 men.

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Q: How many men signed the Mayflower Compact?
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What group of people signed the Mayflower Compact?

all the men that were aboard the mayflower signed the mayflower compact(:

What is the date of the Mayflower Compact?

On November 11, 1620 after 66 days at sea, 41 men gathered in the cabin of the Mayflower and signed the Mayflower compact.

What of these documents was signed by the Pilgrims in 1620?

The Pilgrims signed the Mayflower Compact while still aboard the ship on November 11, 1620. This was the first governing document of the Plymouth Colony.

Did Jamestown signed the Mayflower Compact?

no it was the people on the ship Mayflower that were headed to found Plymouth. They were Separatists, Pilgrims, indentured Servants. 41 men signed the Mayflowe Compact aboard the ship.

Who did and who did not sign the document the mayflower compact?

All the men signed it. Women had no rights.

Why was the Mayflower Compact signed?

The Mayflower Compact was a document signed by 41 male Pilgrims on November 21, 1620. By signing this document, the men agreed to form a temporary government and be bound by its laws. The compact became the basis of government in the Plymouth Colony.

Why did the Mayflower Compact signed?

To ensure the Pilgrims would follow a democratic government instead of a monarchy, like England. They wanted equal representation of voting men, and the Mayflower Compact was a contract that bound them to it.

How many people helped compose the Mayflower Compact Document?

well,there were all men who composed the mayflower compact,because women had no rights back then.={fourty-one men signed it,before they found land,saying that when they found land they would have fair laws. the men were the only onees that composed it

Who was the Mayflower Compact between?

The Mayflower Compact is between the Pilgrims (Puritans) and the England men.

What was the reason of the may flower compact?

The Mayflower Compact was pretty much a set of rules to help the pilgrims live peacefully once they entered the "New World". This document was signed by many of the men on the ship.

When did the pilgrims sign Mayflower compact?

41 men signed en route to America. No women . 11/11/1620 .

Who benifited from the Mayflower Compact?

The men who drafted the Mayflower Compact clearly showed it would benefit everyone.