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270 votes from the electoral college are required to become president.

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Q: How many electoral votes do you have to win to become president?
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How many electoral college votes are required to become president?


How many votes does Donald trump and Clinton?

To become president they need 265 electoral votes.

How many electoral collage votes do you need to become the us president?

To be declared the winner, a candidate needs at least 270 electoral college votes.

How many electoral votes did Abraham Lincoln got to become the 16th president?

180 out of 303 possible electoral votes. He received 40% of the popular vote.

How many votes from the house of representatives must a president receive in order to become president?

The candidate must receive 270 electoral votes to become president of the United States of America.

How many does Obama or Romney need to become president?

In order to become president, one needs 270 electoral votes. Barack Obama received 332 electoral votes, while Mitt Romney only received 206.

How many electoral college votes are needed to become us president in percentage?

Over 50%

How many electoral votes did pennsylvania's governor get?

none,electoral college only votes for president n vice president


The president of the United States is the president in all 50 states including Indiana. 270 electoral votes in the Electoral College are needed to win the U.S. presidency.

How many electoral votes for US President does New York cast?

It cast 31 electoral votes for Obama.

Does the electoral college decide the next president?

No the next president is decided by the amount of electoral votes the candidate gets. They need to have so many electoral votes to win the elections.

How many electoral votes did Mitt Romney receive in Delaware?

None. He is seeking delegates to the Republican National Convention in an attempt to become the Republican nominee for President--not electors to the Electoral College which he will need to actually become President.