Each year is 365.242199 days, so a millennium (1000 years) is:(365.242199x1000) 365,242.99 days.
A President can serve no more than two terms. In the event of someone becoming President during a term (if the President dies, is impeached and removed, etc.), that counts as one of the two terms if the new President serves at least two years. This means the absolute longest amount of time anyone could serve as President is nine years, 364 days.
The president is the executive branch and can serve a maximum of 2 four year terms. The only exception to 8 years would be if the president dies in office and the vice president became president, the vice president would be permitted to finish that term and would be eligible to be elected to two full 4 year terms.
The president of the US is elected for a 4-year term. Thereafter, the president may be re-elected for one additional term, for a maximum total of eight years.
president. houses serves 2,senate serves a 6 year term and president serves a 4 year term.
208 days
260 days.
6 days per week x 52 weeks per year = 312 days per year
365 stink'n days
I'm assuming the question is "How many work days in a month?" Depends on the month and if there are holidays that month or now. February can be 20 work days but if President's Day is on a week day it's 19. August a month of 31 days and no holidays this year has 21 work days.
The last one got 365 days a year off Hopefully the new one can improve on that stat US labor laws do not apply to elected persons; theyb receive an ANNUAL pay regardless of days worked. No President has ever taken a year off since Woodrow Wilson.
365 days and a 1/4 and 366 days in a leap year.
The average egyptologists work 10 hours a day and 300 days per year.
Since 90% of the population was in farming they worked 365 days a year.
That depends on how many days a week you work and how many weeks you work and how many hours you work.