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Checks and balances are instituted in allowing each branch to check the others' power .

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Q: How is the judiciary protected from political interference?
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the judiciary

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Why should the judiciary be kept free from political pressure?

this answer is i have no idea!!!!!!!!!!!!! bye

What are general functions of the judiciary in the US political system?

to interperate the law

What political institution can the states engage to resolve the interstate conflict?

federal judiciary

Why are judges elected for life?

decrease political interference in their decisions.

What is a world park antarctica?

If Antarctica were a world park, It would be protected from HUMAN INTERFERENCE.

Where is your freedom of speech defined?

its answered on the internet. == There is no definition of freedom of speech in the U.S. Constitution. Instead, it is defined by the decisions of courts when cases are presented to them. Generally speaking, the right to freedom of speech is only protected from interference by the actions of government. It is generally not protected from interference by private persons or companies. Even when protected from interference by government, freedom of speech is not absolute. There are exceptions. The most often quoted example of this is that a person is not protected from punishment if he yells "Fire!" in a crowded theater when there is no fire.

What is political freedom?

Political freedom is the absence of interference with the sovereignty of an individual by the use of coercion or aggression.

Role of judiciary and its impact on industrial relation?

The advent of Judicial control over industrial relations have formalized the relationship between the employee and employer and judiciary stands for the rights of both. Illegal claims by the both parties will be controlled by legal interference.

Which kind of speech is the least protected?

political speech

List four thing that can effect the population?

* Economy * War * Weather * Disease There are some others such as Government (political interference), change in demographics (social and cultural differences), etc.* Economy * War * Weather * Disease There are some others such as Government (political interference), change in demographics (social and cultural differences), etc.* Economy * War * Weather * Disease There are some others such as Government (political interference), change in demographics (social and cultural differences), etc.* Economy * War * Weather * Disease There are some others such as Government (political interference), change in demographics (social and cultural differences), etc.* Economy * War * Weather * Disease There are some others such as Government (political interference), change in demographics (social and cultural differences), etc.* Economy * War * Weather * Disease There are some others such as Government (political interference), change in demographics (social and cultural differences), etc.