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Q: How does the executive branch keep the government in balance?
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How can the executive branch keep the legislative branch in check?

through checks and balance

Which branch of government has the responsibility to keep the lawmaking branch and public informed as to the state of the union?

executive branch

What branch of the government does congress watch using oversight function?

Congress which is a part of the Legislative Branch of the government, checks the president and the executive branch to keep them from overstepping their power.

What is the Executive Branch of government?

The Executive Branch of US Government is comprised of the President, the Cabinet, and departments under the Cabinet members.The US government was designed to have three branches, providing a system of checks and balances that was supposed to keep any one branch from becoming too powerful. The President is in the Executive branch. Congress (the House and the Senate) comprises the Legislative branch. And the Supreme Court is the Judicial branch.

What branch of government veto laws?

The Executive branch can veto laws, but if a law is unconstitutional, the other two branches can veto it to keep it from passing.

What is it called when the government makes sure that one branch of government does not have complete power?

To keep one branch of government from having more power than another there is a checks and balance system in place.

Are there checks and balances or do they work more closely together in the US?

Yes. Checks and balances are a form of government to keep each branch in order and to not give one branch too much power. For example the legislative branch can veto the executive branch or the executive branch can declare something unconstitutional.

What ensures that each branch of government can keep an eye on the others so no branch becomes to powerful?

It is called the Checks and Balances system.

Power maintained by the legislative branch over the executive branch is?

Power maintained by the legislative branch over the executive branch is to help keep the executive in check. The legislative has the power to veto executive polices and can also impeach the president and other executive officers.

To keep any branch of the government from gaining too much power the framers built in a system of?

They check the power of each branch. The articles of confederation is the power balance.

What is the term for the power each branch has to keep the other two branches from becoming to powerful?

In the United States, the Federal government is composed of three independent branches. The executive, legislative and judicial branch. The three governmental branches share central power, and in theory, prevent any one single branch to have too much power. In a summary, these bodies create a balance of power.

How did the checks and balance system keep World War 1 from starting before it did?

The checks and balance system kept World War I from starting before it did Woodrow Wilson believed it was the cause of problems in American governance. The executive branch refused to go along with World War I even though legislature wanted to.