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Tornadoes in the U.S. form mostly in the same way as they do in other parts of the world.

Tornadoes need thunderstorms to form, the stronger the better. Most tornadic thunderstorms in the U.S. form when warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico collides with cooler air form Canada and dry air from the Rockies. These thunderstorms then encounter wind shear (changes in the wind speed and direction with altitude) which starts them rotating. A final factor is a layer of stable air often called a cap. This cap holds back storm formation, allowing instability to build until finally some very powerful storms break through it. Tornadoes may also form in the outer bands of hurricanes, which produce wind shear when they hit land.

Tornado formation is similar in other regions, but the conditions are rarely as ideal as they are in the central U.S.

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Do tornadoes only happen in North America?

No, tornadoes can occur in many parts of the world where there are the right atmospheric conditions. However, the frequency and intensity of tornadoes are highest in North America, particularly in the central United States.

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Do tornadoes only form in North America?

Yes, tornadoes can happen almost anywhere that there are thunderstorms.

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Tornadoes can happen in any place that gets thunderstorms.

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Tornadoes happen in Miami for the same reason they happen anywhere else. See the related question for how tornadoes form in general.

Why tornadoes don't happen in Ottawa?

Tornadoes can happen in Ottawa. Canada does get tornadoes, though not as often as the U.S. due to its cooler climate.

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Tornadoes can happen anywhere in the world except cold areas like Antarctica and the north pole. Tornadoes are mostly common in United States.

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Tornadoes happen in the summer every year.

Can tornadoes happen in the Philippines?

Yes. Tornadoes, including some significant ones, can and do happen the the Philippines.